yarn global add mesh-cli
The Gentics Mesh CLI can be used to interact with a Gentics Mesh server using the console prompt. The CLI allows you to list, create, delete and update specific elements. The CLI can also be used to invoke certain administrative tasks such as backup, restore and search index synchronization.
yarn global add mesh-cli
npm install mesh-cli -g
In order to use the CLI it is required to configure or issue an API key which will be used by the CLI.
mesh configure
? Endpoint http://localhost:8080
? Generate a new API key? Yes
? Enter username admin
? Enter password [hidden]
Usage: mesh [options] [command]
CLI which can be used to interact with a Gentics Mesh server.
Use the configure command to setup the CLI.
-V, --version output the version number
-e, --endpoint [url] API endpoint. Default: http://localhost:8080
-k, --key [key] API Key to be used
-d, --debug Turn on debug logging
-h, --help output usage information
configure Configure the CLI
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
docker | d Docker specific commands.
start Start the Gentics Mesh server.
[cmd] -p, --port [port] Http port to be used
[cmd] -t, --tag [tag] Tag / version to be used
[cmd] -i, --image [image] Image to be used
stop Stop the Gentics Mesh server.
admin | a Administration specific commands.
reset [uuid] Reset the error state of the job.
list | l [type] List elements.
remove | rm [type] [id] Remove element.
add | a [type] [name] Add new element.
get | g [type] [id] Get an element and return JSON.
update | u [type] [id] Update an element.
passwd | p [name] Change the password of an user.
[cmd] -u, --user [username] Username
[cmd] -p, --pass [password] Password
chmod | c [path] Change permissions of a role on the given path.
[cmd] -r, --recursive Apply permission changes recursively
key | k [name] Generate a new API key for the user.
validate | v [type] [file] Validate elements via stdin or file.
link [type] [project] [schema] Link the microschema with a project.
unlink [type] [project] [schema] Unlink the microschema from a project.
- user,group,role,project,schema,microschema,tagfamily,job,plugin,branch
- Add a new project named demo2 to the system
$ mesh add project demo2 --schema folder
- List all schemas that are linked to the demo project
$ mesh list projectSchemas demo
- Short form to list all projects
$ mesh l p
- Link the schema with the given uuid to the demo project
$ mesh link schema demo 09ac57542fde43ccac57542fdeb3ccf8
- Unlink the folder schema from the demo project
$ mesh unlink schema demo folder