
Plugins may also interact with each other. In this example two plugins (extension-consumer, extension-provider) use extension points to share custom logic.

The extension-provider defines the extension point and the extension consumer will utilize this point.

This mechanism is useful if you want to extend or alter the logic of a plugin using other provider plugins.


This module contains the commmonly used API which defines the ExtensionPoint which is refernced by the extension-consumer and implemented (and provided) by the extension-provider.

public interface DummyExtensionPoint extends ExtensionPoint {

	String name();



The provider implements the DummyExtensionPoint.

public class DummyExtension implements DummyExtensionPoint {

	public String name() {
		return "My dummy extension";


The provider plugin does not need the plugin-extension-api dependency. The classes of this module will be loaded from the dependent plugin (extension-consumer). The dependency must thus be set to scope provided.


Instead it is important to set the Plugin-Dependencies manifest entry to include the dependent plugin (extension-consumer).


The consumer plugin accesses the provided extensions via the plugin manager.

public class ExtensionConsumerPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements RestPlugin {

	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExtensionConsumerPlugin.class);

	public ExtensionConsumerPlugin(PluginWrapper wrapper, PluginEnvironment env) {
		super(wrapper, env);

	public Router createGlobalRouter() {
		log.info("Registering routes for {" + name() + "}");
		Router router = Router(vertx());
		router.route("/extensions").handler(rc -> {
			StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
			getWrapper().getPluginManager().getExtensions(DummyExtensionPoint.class).stream().map(e -> e.name()).forEach(name -> {
		return router;


The consumer plugin will provide the DummyExtension classes to other plugins. Thus the dependency must be included and not to provided:
